Thursday, April 24, 2008

13, 14, 15!

Two non fiction books and the funniest novel I've read in ages!

Fantasy Cross Stitch by Lesley Teare- she's one of my favorite cross stitch designers, so I was looking forward to this book. It's going to be a long time before I can do anything from it, but I just loved going through it. I love her fairy designs more than anything! Her dragons are wonderful, too.

The Sweet Spot is filled with Asian-inspired desserts that I can't wait to try. Some of them are truly Asian in origin (such as red bean paste filled sesame balls), and others have Asian ingredients in Western desserts- for example, a layer cake made with green tea icing. The book has very detailed recipes and photos of the finished desserts.

Finally, I finished reading You Suck in one day! It was even funnier than The Stupidest Angel...and that one had me falling off of my seat laughing. You Suck made me laugh even harder. It's pretty hard not to be amused by a book about vampires in love... especially when the opening line is "You bitch, you killed me! You suck!" It's downhill from there, and it's fun.

Back to more serious reading...Wings of the Dove, and I also have Howards End on audio.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The books, they keep coming...

I put Mansfield Park aside again. I'll get to it next month. I just checked out You Suck by Christopher Moore. I loved his Stupidest Angel, so this should be good. I need something funny for a change. Wings of the Dove is so depressing.

Monday, April 14, 2008

More reading for me...

I just joined a reading group at live journal- mandc_read. They're going through the entire Patrick O'Brian Aubrey/Maturin series. I missed Master and Commander, but they've just started Post Captain, so I'll be reading the first chapter tonight. I've been wanting to re-read the series for a while, so this is as good a time as any! I loved those books, and the movie Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World is one of my all-time favorites now.

I won't be neglecting the rest of my reading list! I still have Mansfield Park and The Wings of the Dove to read this month.

I watched the new adaptation of Sense and Sensibility on PBS over the last two Sundays. I may just have to re-read that one, too! I skipped the new version of A Room with a View, though. I heard some bad things about it...S&S was wonderful, though.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Very behind in my reading...

I've started The Wings of the Dove, but haven't gotten very far yet. I hope I'll have time to read in the next few weeks.

Still waiting for the three new Torchwood novels- my local store doesn't have them.

I count craft/cookbooks in my reading lists, so I have read two books recently- a new cross stitch book, and a book about Asian-inspired desserts. I'll write them up later.