Friday, January 22, 2010

A Good Start.

I've read the first two Dalziel and Pascoe novels, A Clubbable Woman and An Advancement of Learning. Very quick and entertaining reads! I've just started the third, A Ruling Passion. It shouldn't take me long to get through the entire series!

Monday, January 11, 2010


I did not reach my goal of 60 books for 2009. I didn't even make it to 50. Shame on me! But I have a huge stack to get me started for 2010- several novels by Gregory Maguire (starting with Son of a Witch), a whole bunch of Dalziel and Pascoe novels by Reginald Hill (this after seeing some episodes of the BBC series based on the characters), plus the upcoming Hamish Macbeth novel. That's about 20 books right there! Plus I have stuff from my to-read pile that I never got around to in 2009- Cheri and The Last of Cheri, Middlemarch, Villette, and several others.