Friday, April 30, 2010

More, more, more...

I just finished Asking for the Moon- a collection of four Dalziel and Pascoe short stories. One is about their first case together, two are "ghost" stories, the last is a possible future episode...which takes place on the moon. I think Reginald Hill was just messing with his fans on that one. :p

Also finished Warped Factors. That was the nicest of all the Star Trek actor memoirs I've read- Walter Koenig sounds like a great guy. He's so interesting- studied psychology in college, had quite a few quirks that made acting a necessary profession...something he certainly passed on to his kids (son Andrew Koenig once said he got into acting like his dad because the whole family is "fucking crazy!"* I wouldn't go that far, but there's definitely depression and other issues there.). He doesn't bitch and moan about William Shatner like other Trek stars did in their memoirs. It's an older book- from 1998- and I can't believe I missed it. He doesn't talk about his family much, but it's clear how much he adores them- I can't even begin to imagine how he's dealing with the death of his son. I hope someday he writes a follow-up.

*yep, he really said that- on this web show:

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